Here's the collection of korean albums put together by Ktown of AL and other original uploaders
01/20/07 - 015B 1st album
02/14/06 - 015B 2nd album
02/14/06 - 015B 3rd album
06/03/06 - 015B 4th album
02/16/06 - 015B 5th album
02/14/06 - 015B 6th album
09/02/06 - 015B 7th album
02/07/06 - 0 24 1st album
01/12/06 - 0 24 2nd album
02/07/06 - 101 1st album
01/21/06 - 1tym 1st album
01/25/06 - 1tym 2nd album
02/14/06 - 1tym 3rd album
06/18/06 - 1tym 4th album
01/24/06 - 1tym 5th album
06/18/06 - 2letter (Bijou+1) 1st album
02/04/07 - 2NB 1st album
07/04/06 - 2shai 1st album
06/03/06 - 2shai 2nd album
03/31/07 - 45rpm 1st album (NEW LINK)
01/20/07 - 4U 1st album
06/23/06 - 5tion 1st album
11/18/05 - 5tion 2nd album
02/03/06 - 5tion 3rd album
02/13/06 - 7Dayz 1st album (Lee Jung's old group)
02/07/06 - A4 1st album (Wheesung's old group)
02/09/06 - A4 2nd album (Wheesung's old group)
07/01/06 - A bridge 1st album
01/19/07 - AD One 1st album
11/18/05 - After Rain 1st album (2 members from 5tion)
01/17/07 - Ahn Jae Wook 2nd album
01/16/06 - Ahn Jae Wook 3rd album
12/10/05 - Ahn Jae Wook 4th album
01/11/06 - Aida 2nd album
01/20/07 - Ak Dong Club 1st album
01/18/07 - AL 1st album
06/03/06 - Amp 1st album
02/13/06 - Angela 1st album
06/23/06 - Ann 1st album
11/13/05 - Ann 2nd album
01/08/06 - Anthem 1st album
01/25/06 - Anti Noise 1st album
01/24/06 - Art 3rd album
07/01/06 - Ash 1st album
11/23/05 - Ash 2nd album
06/11/06 - Asia 1st album
01/21/06 - As One 1st album
06/17/06 - As One 2nd album
11/18/05 - As One 3rd album
02/09/06 - As One Forever best album
02/08/06 - As One 4th album
01/07/07 - As One 5th album
04/01/07 - As One 5.5 single album (NEW LINK)
07/06/06 - Baby Vox 1st album
01/21/06 - Baby Vox 2nd album
01/17/07 - Baby Vox 3rd album
01/23/06 - Baby Vox 4th album
02/09/06 - Baby Vox 5th album
02/14/06 - Baby Vox 6th album
12/10/05 - Baby Vox 7th album
01/20/07 - Baby Vox ReV 1st album
11/22/05 - Bada 1st album (Sea from SES)
11/19/05 - Bada 2nd album (Sea from SES)
01/21/06 - Bada 3rd album (Sea from SES)
01/17/06 - Baek Ji Young 1st album
01/26/06 - Baek Ji Young 2nd album
02/07/06 - Baek Ji Young 3rd album
12/10/05 - Baek Ji Young 4th album
06/03/06 - Baek Ji Young 5th album
01/08/07 - Bae Seul Gi 1st album
01/10/06 - Bandi 1st album
06/24/06 - Band of Brothers 1st album
07/08/06 - Bank 6th album
02/07/06 - Bank best album
07/01/06 - Bank 7th album
01/20/07 - Basis 3rd album
01/11/06 - BB 1st album
07/08/06 - BB 2nd album
08/12/06 - BGH4 1st album
12/11/05 - Bi (Rain) 1st album
12/11/05 - Bi (Rain) 2nd album
01/08/07 - Bi (Rain) 3rd album
01/07/07 - Bi (Rain) 4th album
01/07/07 - Big Bang 1st album
11/18/05 - Big Mama 1st album
02/08/07 - Big Mama 2nd album
01/08/07 - Big Mama 3rd album
07/06/06 - Bijou 1st album
01/17/06 - Bijou 2nd album
01/18/07 - Bijou 3rd album
01/23/06 - Bijou 4th album
12/11/05 - Bijou 5th album
02/13/06 - Black Beat 1st album
01/21/06 - Black Hole 7th album
06/17/06 - BMK 1st album
02/25/07 - BMK 3rd album
02/03/06 - Boa 1st album
11/26/05 - Boa 2nd album
11/26/05 - Boa 3rd album
12/17/05 - Boa 4th album
12/17/05 - Boa 5th album
02/07/06 - Bobby Kim 1st album (from Buga Kingz)
12/03/05 - Bobby Kim 2nd album (from Buga Kingz)
01/07/07 - Bobby Kim 3rd album (from Buga Kingz)
02/13/06 - Bobo 1st album (Kang Sung Yeon)
09/02/06 - Bo Eun 1st album
01/23/07 - BOK 1st album
11/26/05 - Boo Hwal 7th album
12/05/05 - Boo Hwal 9th album
01/25/06 - Boo Hwal 10th album
01/07/07 - Boo Hwal 11th album
06/03/06 - Boy 1st album
01/07/07 - Brian Joo (from Fly to the Sky)
01/15/06 - Bros 1st album (Diva, Roora, etc)
06/03/06 - Brown Eyed Girls 1st album
11/14/05 - Brown Eyed Soul 1st album (from Brown Eyes)
11/20/05 - Brown Eyes 1st album
11/17/05 - Brown Eyes 2nd album
01/25/06 - Brunch 1st album
11/18/05 - Bubble Sisters 1st album
01/24/06 - Bubble Sisters 2nd album
02/07/07 - Bubble Sisters 3rd album
02/13/06 - Buga Kingz 1st album
01/18/07 - Button 1st album
11/20/05 - Buzz 1st album
06/23/06 - Buzz 2nd album
06/17/06 - Buzz 3rd album
11/17/05 - Byul 1st album
11/21/05 - Byul 2nd album
06/03/06 - Byul 3rd album
01/17/07 - Camilla 1st album
01/17/06 - Can 2nd album
02/14/06 - Can 3rd album
07/01/06 - Can 6th album
12/10/05 - CB Mass 1st album
12/17/05 - CB Mass 2nd album
12/17/05 - CB Mass 3rd album
01/20/07 - Chae Eun Ju 1st album
01/21/06 - Chae Jung Ahn 1st album
02/03/06 - Chae Jung Ahn 2nd album
11/26/05 - Chae Jung Ahn 3rd album
09/02/06 - Chae Na Ri 1st album
11/25/05 - Chae Yeon 1st album
02/14/06 - Chae Yeon 2nd album
01/08/07 - Chae Yeon 3rd album
03/31/07 - Chae Yeon 4th album (NEW LINK)
01/23/07 - Cha Ho Suk 1st album
01/18/07 - Cha Ho Suk 2nd album
01/17/06 - Chakra 1st album
02/07/06 - Chakra 2nd album
02/08/06 - Cha Tae Hyun 1st album
02/16/06 - Cha Tae Hyun 2nd album
07/02/06 - Cherry Filter 1st album
07/02/06 - Cherry Filter 2nd album
07/02/06 - Cherry Filter 3rd album
08/19/06 - Cherry Filter 4th album
06/29/06 - Choi Chang Min 3rd album
09/04/06 - Choi Jae Hoon 3rd album
09/04/06 - Choi Jae Hoon 4th album
01/20/07 - Choi Jin Young 1st album
01/15/06 - Cho Jang Hyuk 1st album
01/16/06 - Cho Jang Hyuk 2nd album
01/20/06 - Cho Jang Hyuk 3rd album
12/10/05 - Cho Jang Hyuk 4th album
11/26/05 - Cho Jang Hyuk 5th album
01/16/06 - Cho Kyu Chan 4th album
11/30/05 - Cho Kyu Chan 6th album
11/12/05 - Cho Kyu Chan 7th album
06/10/06 - Cho Kyu Chan 8th album
01/24/07 - Chowol 1st album
07/08/06 - Christopher 1st album
09/04/06 - Chung You Seok 1st album
01/11/06 - Circle 2nd album
11/27/05 - Clazziquai 1st album
01/25/06 - Clazziquai 2nd album
07/09/06 - Clazziquai 2.5 remix album
01/13/06 - Cleo 1st album
01/14/06 - Cleo 2nd album
01/14/06 - Cleo 3rd album
11/19/05 - Cleo 4th album
12/18/05 - Cleo 5th album
01/18/06 - Click B 1st album
02/03/06 - Click B 2nd album
02/09/06 - Click B 3rd album
11/26/05 - Click B 4th album
07/04/06 - Click B 4.5 remake album
02/08/06 - Clon 3rd album
01/21/06 - Clon 4th album
03/02/07 - Clon 5th album
07/04/06 - Cloud9 1st album
07/22/06 - Cloud Cuckoo Land 1st album
01/18/07 - COC 1st album
02/07/06 - Cool 2nd album
02/07/06 - Cool 3rd album
02/13/06 - Cool 3.5 album
01/18/07 - Cool 4th album
02/13/06 - Cool 4.5 album
01/26/06 - Cool 5th album
02/08/06 - Cool 6th album
01/09/07 - Cool 6.5 album
11/26/05 - Cool 8th album
07/08/06 - Cool 8.5 album
12/04/05 - Cool 9th album
07/05/06 - Cool 10th album
01/20/06 - Country Ko Ko 3.5 album
02/14/06 - Country Ko Ko 4th album
06/03/06 - Crown J 1st album
02/07/06 - Cult Triple 3rd album
06/18/06 - Daisy 1st album
11/26/05 - Dana 1st album
11/12/05 - Dana 2nd album
06/25/06 - Davi 1st album (from Bijou)
01/08/07 - Davi 2nd album (from Bijou)
01/22/07 - Day & Night 1st album
02/07/06 - Dbace 1st album
12/10/05 - Dbace 2nd album
02/13/06 - Deli Spice 4th album
02/07/06 - De-Mix 1st album
02/07/06 - Deux best album
06/17/06 - Digiry 1st album
09/04/06 - Digital Masta 1st album
01/17/07 - Ditto 1st album
02/08/06 - Diva 1st album
01/09/06 - Diva 2nd album
02/10/06 - Diva 2.5 album
01/21/06 - Diva 3rd album
11/30/05 - Diva 4th album
02/13/06 - Diva 5th album
11/13/05 - Diva 7th album
01/15/06 - DJ Doc 3rd album
01/22/07 - DJ Doc 3.5 album
01/28/06 - DJ Doc 4th album
01/28/06 - DJ Doc 5th album
01/23/07 - DJ Doc 5.5 best album
07/08/06 - DJ Doc 6th album
01/08/06 - Dog 1st album (now known as Wax)
01/10/07 - Dong Bang Shin Ki 1st album
01/10/07 - Dong Bang Shin Ki 2nd album
01/10/07 - Dong Bang Shin Ki 3rd album
09/02/06 - Dori Dori 1st album
01/18/06 - Do Won Kyung 4th album
11/18/05 - Do Won Kyung 5th album
06/18/06 - Dream Techno 2nd album
12/01/05 - Drunken Tiger 1st album
12/01/05 - Drunken Tiger 2nd album
01/17/07 - Drunken Tiger 3rd album
01/26/06 - Drunken Tiger 4th album
07/08/06 - Drunken Tiger 5th album
07/08/06 - Drunken Tiger 6th album
01/21/06 - Duke 1st album
12/04/05 - Duke 2nd album
08/19/06 - Durian 1st album
09/04/06 - Durian 2nd album
01/20/07 - Dusty 1st album
08/17/06 - DVS 1st album
12/10/05 - Dynamic Duo 1st album (from CB Mass)
01/08/07 - Dynamic Duo 2nd album (from CB Mass)
credits go to Ktown and the original uploaders
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